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JOE MIXON...... Empty JOE MIXON......

Mensaje por Admin Lun Ene 02, 2017 7:56 pm

Arley Loeffler · Presidente at Happily Retired
Male or female..doesn't matter. If someone stikes me I 'll hit back.

Where in the world did women ever get the notion that they ouight to be able to hit with no worry about retaliation???
Like · Reply · 1 · Dec 23, 2016 5:20pm

Lindon Richards · UWI Mona
The foolishness contained in the argument of this writer is inherently dangerous to all girls who tend to initiate the kind of physical altercations antecedent to the jaw dropping punch received by Molitor. I am willing to bet she is unlikely to endanger the other jaw or the same one for that matter, with a repeat of such behavior in the future. My two grown daughters who have indeed excelled academically, along with most women folk that I know, would have exercised the necessary self control to have avoided the situation all together.

To all the bleeding hearts out there and especially to the idiot to penned this article in the first place, please consider this point. Self restraint is not the sole responsibility of the recipient of slapee, its also the responsibility of the slapper, especially if the slapee is much bigger than the slapper.
Like · Reply · Dec 25, 2016 5:14pm


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